Posts tagged pg1
Providing Better Supports to Our Caregivers Can Begin with an Easy Question: How are You Doing?

At some point in life, nearly all of us will be caregivers for our parents, friends, partners, neighbours or family members. Most of us don’t realize we are in this informal (unpaid) role. We see it as just “helping a person we care about”. Yet, in the health care system, caregivers are an essential part of the patient's journey. Caregivers navigate the options; work with clinicians to diagnose or develop a care plan; find and organize the right services; accompany patients at hospitals and doctors' offices; cook meals; provide transportation; and can be on duty 24/7 when they live with person who requires care.

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Older Workers are Good for Business

The traditional arc of a career used to be described as something like this: after getting some qualifications, you get a job and progressively move up in the workforce until you retire. However, career jobs are rarely available these days, whereas retirement plans are put off by many Canadian workers, either out of desire or necessity. These changes create new challenges for older workers to getting and keeping a job.

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